
  Black History Month is a time to celebrate the contributions and achievements of Black Americans/African Americans throughout history. Here are some great ideas for celebrating Black History Month. Hosting a virtual book club is one idea. Choose a book by a Black author and invite friends, family, or coworkers to read it and discuss it together. This is a great way to learn about Black history and culture, and to promote diversity in literature. One of my favorite suggestion is watching a

  If you are a college basketball fan like me March Madness can come with it’s own set of thrills and stresses. For many people, March Madness can be a stressful time, especially for those who are invested in the tournament, either through their favorite team or through a tournament bracket. There are many reasons why March Madness can be stressful, including but clearly exciting! March Madness is known for its unpredictability, with upsets and surprises often occurring during the tournament. This

  Lent is a religious observance in the Christian faith that occurs during the 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday. During this time, many Christians choose to give up a bad habit or take on a positive practice as a form of spiritual discipline and preparation for Easter. While giving up a bad habit is one way to observe Lent, it is not the only way. Some people choose to take on positive practices, such as volunteering, daily prayer or meditation,

Stepping out on faith can be scary because it often involves taking risks and facing uncertainty. When you step out on faith, you're choosing to believe in something even if you can't see the outcome or guarantee that things will work out the way you hope. This can be particularly daunting if you've experienced failure or disappointment in the past, as it can make you hesitant to take chances. However, stepping out on faith can also be incredibly rewarding. By choosing

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