Leadership How To Minister To A Family Member In Crisis

How To Minister To A Family Member In Crisis

In this particular time across the country, many people are experiencing trying times. Some situations are driving even the strongest of individuals to their breaking point. The stress of losing a job, problem marriage, addiction, feeling of inadequacy, or the inability to care for the family are among the many reasons why a person goes through a crisis. It is difficult to watch a family member in crisis, and not know what you can do to help. The suicidal rate has increased tremendously over the past six months, and more people are turning to crime as a way of coping or venting.

When you see that a family member is in need of help because they have been driven to the point of desperation, you struggle with finding a way to help them through their crisis. Often times, they may not want to talk about what is going on inside them, but as a loving and caring family you feel confident that you can help. Now, the question that you ask yourself is where do you start? As a devout Christian, you have helped council people in need, but when it comes to your family members, you may be hesitant. Ministering to a member of the family is no different than what you would do for others. The hardest part is usually how to approach them without coming across as accusatory and showing that you care.

The most important thing is to be a compassionate listener. Be sensitive to their needs, and do not judge or place blame. When in crisis, the family member does not need to be criticized. Be Christ like by using the talents and gifts that you have to encourage them. They may go through their darkest moments just before they see the light at the end. You can be supportive of them in many ways. If this is your child or sibling, invite them out to get them away for a little while. With the Pandemic that the world is experiencing, being shut up inside the home can have damaging consequences on one’s sanity.

You must show vulnerability. Family members may not always want to hear your input. If they do you must respond using honesty, wisdom, and humility. If you have a related struggle, share it with them. Do not pretend to understand what they are coping with. Offer them a genuine smile, and do not be afraid of a little humor. They will appreciate the break from the stress and anxiety of their crisis. When ministering to family members, Go to Jesus with them. Praying for them is good, but praying with them can mean so much more. Take their hands, and fall to your knees in prayer for them at the moment not later. Suggest fasting which involves giving up something meaningful. God’s word says that “fasting loosens chains of injustice, unties cords of yokes, and sets the oppressed free”. Only God can heal a person completely. 

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