Blogs How To Celebrate Black History Month

How To Celebrate Black History Month


Black History Month is a time to celebrate the contributions and achievements of Black Americans/African Americans throughout history. Here are some great ideas for celebrating Black History Month.

Hosting a virtual book club is one idea. Choose a book by a Black author and invite friends, family, or coworkers to read it and discuss it together. This is a great way to learn about Black history and culture, and to promote diversity in literature.

One of my favorite suggestion is watching a Black history documentary: There are many documentaries that explore the history and experiences of Black Americans. Consider watching one together with family or friends, or hosting a virtual watch party.

Not just during black history but support a black-owned businesses. Look for Black-owned businesses in your area, and make a point to support them during Black History Month (and beyond). This could include ordering food from a Black-owned restaurant, shopping at a Black-owned store, or buying art from a Black artist. Growing up on the south side of Chicago in the Woodlawn and Hyde Park area. This is one of the most diverse neighborhoods in all of Chicago. I seen so many positive example of black thriving businesses and black professional images.

Many organizations host virtual events during Black History Month, including lectures, concerts, and panel discussions. Check local listings or online event calendars to find events that interest you.

Another one of my favorite suggestions is to volunteer with a Black-led organization. Look for local organizations that are led by Black people and support their work through volunteering. This could include community organizations, advocacy groups, or nonprofits.

Learn about Black history in your community. Research the history of Black Americans in your community, and share what you learn with others. This could include visiting local landmarks or historical sites, or talking to community members who have firsthand knowledge of local history. I decided to research my old childhood neighborhood. There was so many African Americans that made an impact in our history that lived in my old neighborhood at sound point.

These are just a few ideas for celebrating Black History Month. The key is to be intentional about learning and promoting understanding and appreciation for Black history and culture. Doesn’t matter your race it’s always important to embrace the differences and amazing contributions of other races.



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