
I present you with a question is the government of the United States inspired by God? I always heard from the time that I was a child that “The United States is a Christian nation” without a state-established Creed. I personally would not consider that a fair assessment, consider that at least seven of the American wars have been fought against professing Christian combatants. This includes the nation's Civil War wherein the hundreds of thousands of those calling themselves Christians

Owning a business can be a daunting task for anyone, because you have to be conscious of how you manage your time. You can be distracted by marketing your products or expanding your business instead of your primary role and responsibilities. This is why you need to be smart with how you utilize your time. Proper time management will make you able to complete your primary focus, complete additional tasks and will help you avoid feeling fatigued. Here are some

Recent studies indicate that positive energies and emotions, such as happiness and contentment, are the foundation of human motivation. Consequently, motivation is said to steer employees into achieving specific organizational goals and excelling in what they do. Therefore, knowing how to inspire and motivate employees is critical to your success as a team leader or manager. However, motivating workers is never a walk in the park. It would help if you were acquainted with the right techniques and methods that

When everyone wakes up in the morning the goal is to always have a terrific day. A good day with no distractions and just getting their job done peacefully. Whether it be an employee or an employer, everyone has a responsibility at the job site. All staff members and employees go to work to pay their bills and to do what they desire in life. When it comes to a healthy work environment, building relationships with trust is a priority.

Leadership Development and Growth Opportunities for Professional Success  Leaders are role models to their colleagues and organization. Many will develop their leadership skills in a managerial or executive position. Those who are interested in becoming a leader, first need to think about their vision. Break ideas down into smaller steps and then work towards achieving each step. You can then figure out a route to get there. Why do you want to be a leader and what will you accomplish? As a

I have learned that you cannot teach people to have a work ethic. Either you have one or you don't. The more determined and driven you are the more you are working to get these accomplished. A work ethic can translate into wealth, health, and success. How many stories have you heard about a lazy person achieving his goals from his lazy efforts? Yes, I hear the crickets that just don't happen. Everyone doesn't have success just because they have a

In this particular time across the country, many people are experiencing trying times. Some situations are driving even the strongest of individuals to their breaking point. The stress of losing a job, problem marriage, addiction, feeling of inadequacy, or the inability to care for the family are among the many reasons why a person goes through a crisis. It is difficult to watch a family member in crisis, and not know what you can do to help. The suicidal rate

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