Health What I Learned About Blood Circulation

What I Learned About Blood Circulation

What I Learned About Blood Circulation

This is my experience with my blood circulation, I had a stroke in 2011, which was caused by Heart Fibrillation. I notice that my heart would skip beats when I was13 years of age. It was when I would be laying in bed I could hear my heartbeat on the pillow, I notice sometimes when it would skip, it would cause me to cough, I never told my mother or father that I was having irregular heartbeats, I thought nothing of it, I felt it was normal, I was aways feeling well clothed in my right mind with great activities in my limbs, and I was just full of energy. I apply physical exertion on myself that most of my peers just could not match, truly I just know I did not have a problem with my heart that was how I felt about myself never thinking maybe I should do something that would address my hearts irregular heartbeat. As time went on I was traveling from continent to continent I was just 30 years old. I had taken residence in London and Strasbourg France, flying all over the globe so at thirty-five my heart begins to miss-beats quite often so that my wife insisted that I see a doctor, The doctor told me that my traveling needed to cease and all business for fifteen days then come back to see him. I follow his instructions as ordered, I was told to take an 81 mg baby aspirin EC. When I went back I was told to take it easy not to fly so much, I tried to slow up a bit but I was in demand. I never stopped my pace of running back and forth it continued until I was 78 years old, the stroke made me think, I was not taking care of my body. The doctor that put me on the aspirin told me that I would live a long time if I continue taking my aspirin and take them every day. My problem was I had a tooth that would bleed when I wash them. I went to the dentist he told me to stop taking the aspirin and see if the bleeding would stop. I stopped, and the bleeding stopped also. I never continue the aspirin again. The bleeding stopped also.

The stroke was caused because my blood had gotten too thick, and I had heart fibrillation it caused a blood clot on the right side of my brain which gave me a sensory stroke on my whole left side, I stay in rehabilitation at the University of Minnesota for two weeks to learn how to walk and eat, it took me six months to get my balance back. It was maybe three years before I could travel alone, I was able to drive after one year. Today after ten years I have checked the Internet for every natural way of keeping my blood in order. I have tried one product after another and found the most incredible blood-flowing products on the market today, this product is the best it’s called Blood Flow 7 by Juvenon check out this product with Nitric Oxide it’s whole-body healing! I’ve been taking it for nearly a year now and it has turned my life around. At 88 I am grateful to have found this Blood Flow-7 Some people call this God’s Genius Creation. Note I never spoke to anyone from this company. I know them by word of mouth and by using the product. I suggest
that you look this up this product for its done wonders for me.

The product will stop your feet from swelling, you will get strong blood flow, Lots of energy and so much more. It begins to work on me in three weeks. My circulation has improved and the numb places on my legs and feet are returning to normal. Poor circulation is becoming a thought from the past. After I had started using it I did kick the dose up by one capsule every two days for a two-week period.

Blog 7-28-2021
Harold McDowell

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