Blogs Bringing in 2023 with No Resolution

Bringing in 2023 with No Resolution

I have things that I’m aiming for, but I’d prefer not to use the word resolution. My main reason is because that word sometimes creates elements of failure. The only reason why I say that is because when you create a resolution, it almost, feels like you are trapping yourself. This sometimes can become an issue and add more stress then it actually should be.  I’m instead adding goals I actually believe I can achieve. Always aim for goals that are achievable. Like most people I have a career, health, weight loss and financial goal that I like to reach this year. Statistics have found that health goals especially weigh loss is the top goal every year. Just take it one day at a time.

I’m speaking that 2023 should be a year filled with divine health, healing, happiness and prosperity. We are the sum total of everything we say and think. So, I’m speaking life and love in everything I put my hands on! The bar is pretty low in terms of things that I will be happy about 2023. After losing my brother Andrew to cancer in 2022. Before that my family suffered the loss of both my beautiful sister Harolyn and my oldest brother Harold in 2019. As you can imagine the heartbreak my family must have endured.  My dad and siblings are a strong brunch with a lot of faith, strength, peace and hope. With what we been through I know only God can provide that kind of resolve and peace. Okay I said all of this to give you my mine goal I will continue this year.

My main goal this year that is a continuation from last year is my Living Spree goal! I will celebrate life free from fears and complacencies This is my tribute to my late siblings that died with dreams left unfulfilled. We didn’t travel much I notice so I’m traveling more, I will celebrate life to the fullest! My whole family is onboard so this year we will continue to set knew travel goals. Create new ways to prospers that gives us freedom and most of all peace. I speak of me but my family as a whole unit because we are the most powerful doing it together. I want to see the best in my husband, two children plus their significant others, my sibling, my nieces and nephews and my dad. My dreams for us are bigger than me. Only God knows the best way to achieve these goals. So, I’m letting him guide every footstep. Let 2023 be the year you let God overflow you with his perfect will for your life.

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