
We are not trained or conditioned to accept things not working out. As kids, something not working out can result in funky moods, tantrums, or overall poor behavior. Unfortunately, those reactions we consider “childish” most people never actually grow out of. It’s a difficult thing to admit when you have to come to terms that you may have aged but you are very much the same as you were. Letting go is a trained mentality, it is very unnatural in a

I present you with a question is the government of the United States inspired by God? I always heard from the time that I was a child that “The United States is a Christian nation” without a state-established Creed. I personally would not consider that a fair assessment, consider that at least seven of the American wars have been fought against professing Christian combatants. This includes the nation's Civil War wherein the hundreds of thousands of those calling themselves Christians

  Picking the right shoe for running trails can be overwhelming. Here are some of the best women’s shoes for your next trail run. Merrell MTL LongSky Everything you would want in an outstanding trail jogger, this shoe absolutely blows the competition out of the water. Our testers loved this shoe from the moment they slid it on to take on over 20 mile trail runs over technical surfaces. The outsole features resilient lugs that cling to wet rocks, fast straight paths, roads, and snow. While it has a traditional heel to toe drop, the footwear still really feels fairly low to the ground, inspiring confidence as well as security. This is a trail footwear we’d advise for any type of jogger at any skill level, whether you're starting or training for that next ultra long distance race.

In modern society, the mentality is going to go almost all the time. Every second you aren’t doing something someone else is getting ahead or you are losing ground. Essentially FOMO of not spending your time wisely causing people to be paranoid of the idea of relaxing.

When you are in a new relationship, the build-up is very exciting. You can really say there are flowers, sunshine, and beautiful butterflies everywhere. A new relationship’s first dates require you to be at your very best. A person usually is careful about what say, what they wear, and how they look. If the chemistry is there then you are expecting another great date.   I have been married for over 35 years and honestly, I still have first date moments with

Bible and prayer apps play a vital role in helping you stick to the prayer routine. There are several bible apps you can install. They will allow you to access bible verses from any location. Check on the type of app before installing it. Some apps are available on Android, while others are supported by iOS. Some apps are easy to use, while others may have several features that require you to learn how they operate. Here are some of

Churches serve to bring people together through the gathering of religion and community. As the Coronavirus continues to spread, this traditional gathering of people has been put on hold as many churches can't meet in-person. Fortunately, it's still possible to hold church services thanks to live-streaming capabilities. Services via live stream or church services on-demand enable a pastor to deliver a sermon to his church without compromising the safety of its members. Here are some of the most dependable church

I was having a great conversation with my daughter about setting high standards for yourself. My daughter embodied that in every way. She’s brilliant, focus, and driven. For as long as I can remember she always even as a child had a goal or plan. She is in the process of pursuing her doctorate in Atmospheric Science. We have been discussing her personal relationship lately. What she wants and needs to get the 80/20 rule. We agree that she pretty

Owning a business can be a daunting task for anyone, because you have to be conscious of how you manage your time. You can be distracted by marketing your products or expanding your business instead of your primary role and responsibilities. This is why you need to be smart with how you utilize your time. Proper time management will make you able to complete your primary focus, complete additional tasks and will help you avoid feeling fatigued. Here are some

  Quick Ways to De-Stress Most people understand anxiety all too well, the adrenaline rushes through your body as you try and take care of a whiny 2 year old, a problematic teen, the ticking watch on your wrist as you sit in traffic on the way to an appointment, or the work deadline that seems difficult to achieve. When tension strikes, use one of these methods for a fast way to destress:

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